How long does a transaction take?

A typical transaction is completed in 9 days. See the timeline notes in how it works.

Our transactions are 3 days slower than with a payment platform like PayPal. That’s because GunTab is escrow and the payment is shifted from the beginning to the end, after a 3-day inspection period for the buyer. While that might sound like a drawback, it comes with a few advantages:

  1. GunTab it is infinitely safer. That’s because GunTab is escrow. Unlike a payment platform, GunTab considers a transaction to be complete when you do. Specifically, a transaction is considered complete once the buyer has received the merchandise and the seller has received the payment. This is how we completely protect both parties from fraud, unlike PayPal and others.
  2. Payment platforms like PayPal will arbitrarily delay many payments without any explanation. GunTab never arbitrarily delays payments, and is transparent with you about what is happening with your transaction.
  3. Most importantly, GunTab won’t seize your money if we learn you are conducting a firearm or ammo transaction. Payment platforms like PayPal will will, because they strictly prohibit these transactions.)

Last updated 11 May 2023